Delegation of Duty
Sponsors must have
a prudent process in place when selecting and monitoring a 3(21) or 3(38)
Trust Anyone, No One?
I recently helped a relative with her company’s 401(k) plan.
Boomer Bust
MassMutual finds younger participants the majority
Guiding Hands
Re-enrollment in QDIA helps plan diversification
Survey Says |January 2013
Survey Says
What Do You Like About Senator Harkin’s Retirement Plan Proposal?
Bells & Whistles |January 2013
Bells & Whistles
Each month, Bells & Whistles highlights recent product introductions that plan sponsors may find of interest. More information about these announcements can be found on If you...
Feature |January 2013
Back to Work
What the 2012 election results mean for employer-sponsored benefit programs
Head of the Class |January 2013
Diminishing Returns
EAFE markets sometimes disappoint, but there are a few bright spots
Total Benefits |January 2013
The Big Goodbye
Do most retiring 401(k) participants stay in their plan? Think again ...
Case Sensitive |January 2013
Burden of Proof
Central Pension Fund of the International Union of Operating Engineers and ParticipatingEmployers et al. v. Ray Haluch Gravel Co., No. 11-1944
Barry's Pickings |January 2013
Risky Business
Are higher PBGC premiums for ‘risky’ companies necessary?
Second Opinions |January 2013
The Wait Is Over
Full-time employee and waiting-period guidance have been issued
Education/Advice |January 2013
Goal Oriented
How to get participants on target when it comes to retirement savings
Tidbits |January 2013
Some quotes, survey statistics and musings to use in employee communications, or just as a break in the grind.