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MetLife Launches Family and Medical Leave Support Tool
October 5, 2011 ( – MetLife has developed a solution specifically designed to help small businesses, called FMLAssist.
Available to employers with 50 to 999 employees with underlying long-term disability insurance coverage through MetLife, the program provides the opportunity to help reduce the compliance burden and regulatory risks associated with Family and Medical Leave (FML) decision-making.
FMLAssist offers small businesses the option of referring FML requests to MetLife at their sole discretion. The program cost to employers is based on the number of FML decision requests they decide to refer to MetLife.
“FMLAssist helps to empower small businesses to manage their overall program costs more effectively,” said Paul D. Taylor, Vice president, Disability Product Management for MetLife. “With FMLAssist, the employer retains complete control of its FML process, with the flexibility to elect to submit all, some or none of their employees’ FML requests to MetLife. Since the employer only pays for the cases it refers to MetLife for decision, this is a unique way to help to control program expenses.”
For more information about FMLAssist, visit