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New Hampshire Again The Healthiest State
New Hampshire was once again the healthiest state, a position it has held for 6 out of the past 13 years, followed by:
- Minnesota
- Massachusetts
- Utah
- Connecticut
The study points to a number of factors that result in New Hampshire ranking so high:
- Highest access to adequate prenatal care (85% of pregnant women have access)
- Lowest level of infant mortality (3.8 deaths per 1,000 live births)
- Highest support for public health care
- Fewest limited activity days (due to pollution warnings)
The survey found in 2001 the number of uninsured Americans increased to 14.6% from 14.0% in 2000. The overall healthiest state, New Hampshire reduced its uninsured population from 10.2% in 2000 to 9.4% in 2001.
Iowa showed the lowest level of uninsured residents at 7.5%. Texas recorded the highest level of its population uninsured at 23.5%.
The overall healthiness of the nation, as measured by the national composite score, has improved 15.5% since 1990. UnitedHealth said the primary reasons for the improvement are:
- 32% decline in infant mortality
- 27% decline in the occurrence of infectious diseases
- 23% decline in the number of children living in poverty
- 22% decline in the number of regular smokers
- 17% decline in violent crimes across the nation
Louisiana was ranked as the nation’s unhealthiest state for the third year in a row. UnitedHealth cites the disparities of pregnant women receiving adequate prenatal health care among black women (67.7%), as opposed to white women (86.7%) as a major factor to its low position. Others at the bottom of the overall list are:
- Mississippi
- South Carolina
- Arkansas
- Oklahoma
UnitedHealth produces the yearly report to raise awareness among the American people of health issues in their state. For more information or to obtain the full report, go to .