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Contraception Coverage May Be Required

December 14, 2000 ( - Plan sponsors may need to rethink their current health coverage under a new federal ruling. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled that...
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Pension Reform On Hold

November 14, 2000 ( - In the midst of an uncertain election outcome, a lame duck congressional session and President Clinton's Asian visit, congressional leaders have opted to...
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PWBA Brings Together Job Loss Benefits Info

October 2, 2001 ( - The Labor Department's Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration is offering American workers information that could help them protect their benefits during layoffs and...
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MSA Adoption Well Short of "Target"

October 2, 2001 ( - Medical savings accounts will continue to be available through 2002, since the number of MSA returns filed is far short of the target...
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Bush, Norwood Reach Agreement on PBOR

August 2, 2001 ( ? President Bush and Representative Charles Norwood (R-Georgia) say they have reached agreement on the approach for the passage of a patients' bill of...
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Participant Advice Bill Passes Subcommittee

August 2, 2001 ( - Broader access to participant investment advice took another step forward Thursday, as the Employer-Employee Relations (EER) Subcommittee approved the Retirement Security Advice Act...
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Supremes To Weigh In On HMO Review

July 2, 2001 ( -Even as the US Senate approved a patients' bill of rights, the US Supreme Court said it plans to decide whether states may provide...
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Senate Passes PBOR, But?

July 2, 2001 ( ? The Senate got to go home for the Fourth of July recess, having passed the amended McCain-Kennedy-Edwards patients' bill of rights by a...
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House to Vote on HR 10

May 2, 2001 ( - Attention will be focused on the outcome of the vote in the House of Representatives on the Portman-Cardin legislation today.
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Portman-Cardin Passed by House

May 2, 2001 ( - The Portman-Cardin proposed legislation sailed through the House of Representatives by a bipartisan vote of 407 to 24.