August 9, 2001 ( - The nation's largest employer suddenly finds itself at the center of a number of discrimination and harassment suits from a number of its...
May 9, 2000 ( - Workers and managers descended on Washington today, charging that an Administration proposal would destroy S corporation ESOPs by taxing them out of existence.
December 8, 2000 ( - Republican leaders have decided to postpone pursuing passage of pension reform proposals, until after the anticipated election of Texas Governor George W. Bush.
November 8, 2000 ( - Two Louisiana pension funds have triumphed in the second largest-ever settlement ever obtained from a corporate defendant in a securities class action, acting...
August 8, 2000 ( - The Internal Revenue Service may have just taken another step toward elimination of the "same desk" rule in a recent private letter ruling,...
June 8, 2000 ( - Standard & Poor's parent McGraw-Hill has accused the ever-frugal Vanguard Group with breach of contract, trademark infringement and unfair competition in federal court....
September 7, 2000 ( - The Senate Finance Committee has unanimously approved sending the Retirement and Savings Act on to the Senate for a vote later this month.
August 7, 2000 ( - Employers might be required to extend benefits to all workers, including temporary, part-time, leased employees and contractors under a bill recently introduced in...
In a legislative session frequently marred by partisan bickering, the need for dramatic pension reform drew an astounding level of bipartisan support in 2000 - only to run...
In a legislative session frequently marred by partisan bickering, the need for dramatic pension reform drew an astounding level of bipartisan support in 2000 - only to run...
October 6, 2000 ( - The Internal Revenue Service says that a parent company's contribution of stock to subsidiary in a so-called rabbi trust has not changed hands...
October 6, 2000 ( - The Internal Revenue Service has issued proposed regulations that new comparability plans must satisfy to use the cross-testing method in meeting nondiscrimination requirements.
September 5, 2000 ( - There are some noticeable differences between the House and Senate versions of the pending retirement savings legislation that impact plan sponsors, including a...
May 5, 2000 ( - Several federal agencies are reviewing whether plan sponsors provide early retirees with adequate information when faced with a choice between annuities and lump...
October 4, 2000 ( - Nearly five thousand pensioners have been reconnected with their "missing" pensions totaling some $10 million during the past year, thanks to the Pension...
May 3, 2000 ( - Retirement plan balances may escape creditor clutches, after all. A controversial pension plan waiver provision will be removed from the pending bankruptcy reform...
October 2, 2000 ( - The General Accounting Office (GAO) is expected to issue a report urging the Internal Revenue Service to stop approving cash balance plans until...
December 1, 2000 ( - The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) has announced changes to its premium regulations to make things easier for sponsors of defined benefit pension...
November 1, 2000 ( - The Senate has once again put off a floor vote on HR 2614, the tax bill that contains pension reform legislation and several...
November 1, 2000 ( - It looks like Congress is going to wait until after the election to deal with pension reform, following the Senate's passage of a...