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SURVEY SAYS: What Are Your Thanksgiving Plans?
November 20, 2009 ( - Next week the nation will celebrate Thanksgiving Day.
We got a LOT of responses to this week’s survey – where we asked readers how far they were travelling for the Thanksgiving holiday – and if they’d be shopping and/or working – on the day “after.”
Regarding travel, most of this week’s respondents are planning to stay close to home; 10% said they weren’t going anywhere, 11% said they were traveling less than 5 miles, and one-in-five (this week’s most common response) said that they weren’t going anywhere, because their family was coming to them.
However, nearly as many 18.1% were traveling between 101-500 miles, a full one-in-ten were going more than 500 miles.
Just under 15% were traveling 5-50 miles, while just over 9% were heading out for a trip of 51-100 miles.
The remainder opted for “other”, but most of those could have fit in another category, being from readers who were traveling “from the couch to the dining room table,”, “to the living room, to watch football”,” I don’t plan on travelling any further than my bed to couch to the dining room table back to the couch”,“Nowhere – unless you count the 5 miles I have to drive to pick up our fully cooked meal!”, and my personal favorite: “3 miles to the grocery store and back, then after everything is prepared, 10 steps from kitchen to dining room. After dinner, 10 more steps to the couch for a nap. Someone else will have to make the 10 steps back to the kitchen to clean up.”
Shopping Centered?
I also asked readers if they would be shopping on “Black Friday” – and roughly two-thirds said “no”, either just a simple “no” (46%) while another quarter (24%) said “not if I can help it.”
Just over 8% said they weren’t sure, while 6.5% responded “maybe.”
That said, just under 5% said they were planning to shop on that day, and a full 10% not only said they were planning to shop, they indicated that doing so was a family tradition.
Finally, not that it was mutually exclusive, I asked readers if they would be working next Friday (you could certainly work AND shop – one reader noted, “For the first time in 10+ years I will be working the day after Thanksgiving. However, I will be up at 4am to hit the stores before my work day begins at 8am. The bargains are just too good to pass up.”). The vast majority – just over 80% - said either “no (72.7%) or “not if I can help it” (7.4%).
“Working” Class
As for the other side, 6.3% said they would be working, 4% said they would be working (and that doing so was a holiday tradition, while just under 9% said they would be working, but leaving early (or at least hoping to be dismissed early. A number of readers expressed sentiments similar to the reader who said, “Yes - it is a great day to catch up - since phone calls should be lower.” One reader said they would be working, but “Only on my job search . . “.
But when it came to Black Friday and heading out to the mall, “I have more sense than that” was a common response, as were readers looking for a “hell/heck no” category – or one that said, “Not, NO but HELL NO!”. Another reader said, “You didn't have a choice of "NOOOOO!!!!!!!" Still another said, “My sanity is worth more than the possibility to save a few dollars.”
I could relate to the reader who said they would be “reading the latest Health Reform Bill.”
There were, of course, a lot of entertaining responses, Here are some of my favorites:
“I'd rather be tied up with vines by Pygmy warriors than to go anywhere near a mall on Black Friday. Then again, I'd rather be tied up with vines by Pygmy warriors than to go anywhere near a mall ANY time during the Christmas season. Christmas would be fabulous if it weren't for the shopping!
When 3 boys were small socks were always a thing - a local store would have a half price sale and we would go EARLY and stock up. On Christmas morning, we'd get a garbage bag and make those boys empty their sock drawers so they could start over with new socks. Now that they're grown they ask if we're going to buy socks!!!”
“Only in the afternoon, after the crazy people have gone home to sleep after staying up all night to trample each other as the doors open.”
“Never again! After stating that I wouldn't joining her in no uncertain terms and saying so repeatedly, 2 years ago my wife woke me at 4:30 a.m. and again asked if I'd join her for early a.m. shopping and I unwisely said "ok, okay". That was 5 hours of my life I won't get back!
I have to work that day, but my wife is a professional shopper, so the economy will not suffer as a result of my absence.”
“No....since I am cooking for my side of the family Thursday, lucky me gets to go over to my in-laws for a 2nd day of "family fun" and another turkey dinner. Prepared this time by my mother-in-law. (Is there such thing as the Black Friday flu?)”
“My wife will be working though, so it's me and the children. God help us.”
But this week’s Editor’s Choice goes to the reader who said they would be “Working on digesting! And working on trying to button my pants.”
Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey! Check out the following pages for more verbatim comments
I don't mind working Friday after Thanksgiving at all. Give DH time with DK's; I get peace and quiet at work.
My sister is flying in specifically to shop a gigantic craft fair here. Unfortunately, she did not think this through and is not taking a red eye from LA Thanksgiving night. This will put here down here at Noon - much too late to hit any mall. So I will be working from 6-Noon, pick her up from the airport - and then for the next week we will shop and eat.
The office if open but I'm taking the week off.
Yes -- I have some 'pet' projects which do not feel like chores
Only on my job search . . .
But if I do, it will be my choice, not a company requirement.
Our office is open and I am off but "on call".
I will not go into the office, but it is likely that I will do some work from home.
No way in _____!
Working on digesting! And working on trying to button my pants.
Sometime over the long weekend I will work....but at home, possibly in my jammies, with all the, fireplace, dog, football.
I give my staff the option to work that day or not.
Where is "Hell, No!"?
Need the time for year end projects with tight deadlines.
With so many others out of the office and hardly any phone calls or e-mails, it's one of the most productive days of the year.
My spouse works in retail, so I'll kiss her good bye on the morning of Black Friday, then hello again just before Santa arrives on Christmas Eve.
My wife will be working though, so it's me and the children. God help us.
Yes - it is a great day to catch up - since phone calls should be lower.
Will probably manage to avoid work most of Friday, but have to catch up over the weekend to be prepped for Monday
Not in the office but may do some remote work that day or over the weekend.
Us bankers aren't allowed to close for 4 days in a row and someone has to be here. We will be down half staff.
The company is open for business so I need to take vacation AND since the department is all taking vacation, we need to periodically check for messages...since we are supposed to be open.
I avoid malls on Black Friday, to the point where I rescheduled an appointment because the office shares their parking lot with a mall. I may see what's available on-line...
For the first time in 10+ years I will be working the day after Thanksgiving. However, I will be up at 4am to hit the stores before my work day begins at 8am. The bargains are just too good to pass up.
I'll be in France...I'll shop the boutiques and eat at the bistros, and have a lovely time...
Depends on the discounts at my favorite stores
Wal-Mart - 32 inch HDTV - $246, need one for the bedroom 🙂 Hope I don't get trampled!
Yes, but not at the mall. There's a particular specialty store in the town we travel to that we visit as a family every year.
I shop very early and am home by 9:00 am.
Never, unless it's on the net.
No, I will have my designated shopper do that, my wife.
Only if there are some super deals I can hit early on the way to work. I did it once and it worked out great. They'll have to be really great deals, though.
Because we travel to family on Thanksgiving, Friday is the day I make my turkey so we can have leftovers.
I will be back at work.
My sanity is worth more than the possibility to save a few dollars.
I have more sense than that.
Never have. Never will.
Will not fight the early morning crowds
No, I have more sense than that
Hell No!
If I am not done with my shopping before Black Friday I am hoping it will be my last day shopping.
Heck no! We are going to be staying in noshing on leftovers and enjoying the turkey coma! Cyber Monday is where we will get most of our Christmas shopping. I'm taking November 30th off so we can clean and search the internet for the good deals! Last year we found $15 snow blowers on Targets website. We ordered 3. Alas, it was a mistake and we received and email from Target saying they couldn't honor it.
Not a chance
If my Mom and kids force me to I will. If I have any say we will take a stroll on the beach instead!
I live near one of the largest shopping malls in the country....I love it but not when there a large, slow-moving packs of tourists.
No! Absolutely not. I try to avoid all stores on that day.
We are flying back home on Friday. Hopefully it will be a light travel day
Yes, but ... not at a big mall. We'll be shopping at the one-block-long, depressed shopping "center" of a small town in Wisconsin. It's low-stress, helps out the local economy and we'll get some great bargains.
Sorry to the U.S. economy, but my longstanding holiday tradition is to NEVER shop on Black Friday.
I will be reading the latest Health Reform Bill
I'd rather be tied up with vines by Pygmy warriors than to go anywhere near a mall on Black Friday. Then again, I'd rather be tied up with vines by Pygmy warriors than to go anywhere near a mall ANY time during the Christmas season. Christmas would be fabulous if it weren't for the shopping!
I did Black Friday last year, but only to get the new tv set I was looking for. This year I will sleep in and then attend a college football game.
You didn't have a choice of "NOOOOO!!!!!!!"
Would as love the crowds and the excitement but will be working.
I probably wouldn't go out if I weren't working!
I'd rather be shot than try and shop on Black Friday.
There is nothing I want that bad in this world that I would put up with that madness...
I won't even go near a store all weekend!!
When 3 boys were small socks were always a thing - a local store would have a half price sale and we would go EARLY and stock up. On Christmas morning, we'd get a garbage bag and make those boys empty their sock drawers so they could start over with new socks. Now that they're grown they ask if we're going to buy socks!!!
You're kidding, right?!?
get up early, go to a diner for a big breakfast (like we really need one after all we ate the day before) and go to a mall (not a local one - one that we typically don't go to) - we get home about 6:00 p.m., I drop off my husband and then I go out to the local mall myself (as if I hadn't shopped enough the past 6 hours) - we don't have anything in mind to buy, we just buy what we see and like (and of course, must use a coupon) - happy shopping to all!
My wife will do the shopping, I will watch our children.
Not, NO but HELL NO!
I can never understand this Black Friday event and I am working for a big retail company. I've stayed away from shopping malls on this day for many years and will continue to do so.
I spent many an early Black Friday morning trying to score the 'hot' toy for that particular year. Now that my daughter is grown, I plan on sleeping in at least a little bit that morning.
Absolutely not!
Only in the afternoon, after the crazy people have gone home to sleep after staying up all night to trample each other as the doors open.
I'm planning on shopping early on Black Friday, but it seems like everything is on sale now so I may not really have anything left to buy!
Hell no!
Heck no!!
Never again! After stating that I wouldn't joining her in no uncertain terms and saying so repeatedly, 2 years ago my wife woke me at 4:30 a.m. and again asked if I'd join her for early a.m. shopping and I unwisely said "ok, okay". That was 5 hours of my life I won't get back!
I have to work that day, but my wife is a professional shopper, so the economy will not suffer as a result of my absence.
No....since I am cooking for my side of the family Thursday, lucky me gets to go over to my in-laws for a 2nd day of "family fun" and another turkey dinner. Prepared this time by my mother-in-law. (Is there such thing as the Black Friday flu?)
I have to decide if there is something I really need or want first and then find out if its on sale.