Plan Sizes
Unsurprisingly, the 2025 DC Survey: Plan Benchmarking report shows that plans on the small end of the spectrum generally pay the largest investment fees. The 401k Averages Book along with studies from the Investment Company Institute and Deloitte concur, while also reporting that overall, fees for defined contribution plans are trending down. Plan size not only affects cost but influences plan design and governance. Kristi K. Baker, managing partner, CSi Advisory Services, a division of Hub International, notes that plans on the spectrum’s large end typically have the largest committees and meet most often. As for plan design, she says, smaller plans tend to use more safe harbor features than do larger plans. The latter are the greatest embracers of automatic enrollment features and re-enrollment, as the survey shows. —RM
2025 PLANSPONSOR DC Survey Plan Benchmarking and Industry Reports
Our 2025 Plan Benchmarking and Industry Reports feature proprietary data collected by PLANSPONSOR in its annual Defined Contribution Survey. The reports highlight various plan design features and outcomes from 6 plan types and 48 industries.
You can leverage the 2025 PLANSPONSOR Reports* to:- Build trust with advisers and provide new tools to your staff and network
- 100+ pages in PDF format
- Compare plan design with peers and competitors, and improve fiduciary oversight
- Add value to your clients by posting on your website behind registration
*Subject to usage terms/compliance in licensing agreement.
Contact Rob Reif / 212-217-6906 /