DC Survey: Plan Benchmarking

Sponsors can use the report to compare their plan features and governance with peers’, for self-assessment and self-improvement.



The 2025 PLANSPONSOR DC Survey: Plan Benchmarking is based on the results of the annual PLANSPONSOR Defined Contribution Survey. This was fielded using the Qualtrics survey platform from August through November 2024. In collaboration with recordkeepers of DC plans, we invited plan sponsors to report on their plan facts to compile these reports. All data is as of June 30, 2024.

Data are reported in aggregate, based on specified asset ranges for 8 plan types and 48 industries. We report on plan types and design features, loans and withdrawals, participation and eligibility, etc.

The results incorporate the responses of 3,172 plan sponsors from a broad variety of U.S. industries. This report compares the survey responses of plan sponsors from the overall respondents dataset with those of survey respondents for the listed industries. Of the overall respondents, 2,411 reported asset range data.

At PLANSPONSOR, we are careful to preserve the integrity of the data collected in our various surveys. Our survey is based on self-reported data that is impossible to independently verify, so as part of our commitment to accuracy, we analyze responses for completeness. As a result, and because we do not eliminate or manipulate data, we sometimes add footnotes or other indicators of potential outlier data.

Additionally, since survey respondents self-report data, some may have skipped or only partially answered some of the questions. The data we present here accurately reflects what organizations have submitted to us.

If you are interested in purchasing additional reports or if you have questions regarding the data presented here, please contact surveys@issmediasolutions.com.

—Kimberley Gonzalez-Quiles

2025 PLANSPONSOR DC Survey Plan Benchmarking and Industry Reports

Our 2025 Plan Benchmarking and Industry Reports feature proprietary data collected by PLANSPONSOR in its annual Defined Contribution Survey. The reports highlight various plan design features and outcomes from 6 plan types and 48 industries.

You can leverage the 2025 PLANSPONSOR Reports* to:
  • Build trust with advisers and provide new tools to your staff and network
  • 100+ pages in PDF format
  • Compare plan design with peers and competitors, and improve fiduciary oversight
  • Add value to your clients by posting on your website behind registration

*Subject to usage terms/compliance in licensing agreement.


Contact Rob Reif / 212-217-6906 / robert.reif@issmediasolutions.com