Lancaster General Health 401(k)*

Location Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Asset Size $6.2 million
Number of Participants 224
Business Health Care
Participation Rate90%
Avg Deferral Rate8.30%
Number of Funds19
Investment ReviewQuarterly
Fee ReviewAnnually
Fee EqualizationConsidering
Auto-Enrollment Rate6%
Auto-Escalation Rate 1%
Default InvestmentTarget-date (active)
Ret Income OfferingNR
Vesting Period3 years
Match Rate 50% of first 6% of salary
% Receiving Full Match>75%
True-Up MatchYes
Financial Education 
Investing strategiesX
College savingX
Credit/debt mgmtX
Tax/estate planningX
Retiree health costs/savings optionsX
ProviderFidelity Investments

*Lancaster General Health saw similar results within its 403(b) plan, which oversees $246 million in plan assets and covers 7,978 participants.

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