Land O’Lakes, Inc.

Location St. Paul, Minnesota
Asset Size $1.1 billion
Number of Participants 9,673
Business  Consumer Products/Agriculture
Participation Rate98%
Avg Deferral Rate8.30%
Number of Funds13
Investment ReviewQuarterly
Fee ReviewNR
Fee EqualizationNR
Auto-Enrollment Rate6%
Auto-Escalation Rate 1%
Default InvestmentTarget-date (active)
Ret Income OfferingIn-plan
Vesting Period4 years
Match Rate 100% of first 3%; 50% of next 2%; total match is 4% of salary
% Receiving Full Match>90%
True-Up MatchYes
Financial Education 
Investing strategiesX
College saving 
Credit/debt mgmt 
Tax/estate planningX
Retiree health costs/savings options 
ProviderAon Hewitt
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