Latest News

Compliance |

Former New York Citi Employees File Suit

February 8, 2002 ( - Former New York area Citigroup employees, who lost money to the group's deferred compensation plan when they left, filed a lawsuit against the...
Benefits |

2002 Raises Get Reality "Check"

August 1, 2002 ( - In yet another sign of the ailing economy, many companies have slashed the size of their raises from the levels they estimated a...
Products |

Choice Medical Acquires BerkleyCare

January 8, 2002 ( - Choice Medical Management Services, Inc. (CMMS), a workers' compensation provider, acquired the Florida operations of BerkleyCare, the disability management unit of Key Risk...
Compliance |

Workers Set to Sue Spying Employer

January 8, 2002 ( Employees of trucking company Consolidated Freightways are free to pursue an invasion of privacy suit against their employer, according the US Supreme Court.
Administration |

GoldK Continues Buying Spree

January 8, 2002 ( - GoldK, a retirement plan provider, acquired Retirement Horizons Inc. (RHI), a benefits consultant specializing in retirement plan solutions - extending GoldK's reach in...
Products |

One-Stop Outsourcing Platform Debuts

January 8, 2002 ( - ProActive Computer Services launched its BizTeam Technologies and Services Web site, aimed at making it easier for companies to outsource operations such as...
Administration |

CitiStreet Ventures Down Under

January 8, 2002 ( - In its first expansion outside the US, CitiStreet plans to offer full services for retirement funds and their participants in Australia.
Investing |

World Markets Extend Summer Slump in July

August 1, 2002 ( - World equity markets extended their losing streak in July, although stock prices did recover some of their losses in the last week, according...
Benefits |

CFO Heads Continuing Rolling in July

July 31, 2002 ( - The nation's laser-like focus on corporate accounting continues to leave blood on the floor as chief financial officers (CFO) get shown the door...
Benefits |

English-Only Practice Barred

July 31, 2002 ( - A federal judge has signed a consent decree against an employer who allegedly refused to allow workers to speak Spanish on the job.
Benefits |

I'm OK, Are YOU?

July 30, 2002 ( - A new report indicates that a quarter of the American workforce experiences at least one mental or substance abuse disorder each year -...
Investing |

Equity Swoon Strikes ETFs in June

July 30, 2002 ( - Assets of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) decreased by nearly $4 billion in June, but international ETFs managed to gain ground.