LocationHouston, TX
Asset Size$432.5MM 
Number of Participants1,000 – 4,999 Participant 
BusinessOil & Gas/Energy
Participation rate93%
Avg. deferral rate9.0%
No. of funds offered19
Investment ReviewQuarterly
True-up featureYes
Match Vesting Period3 years
Default deferral rate6%
Default investmentRetail TDF (active)
Systematic withdrawalsNo
Fee equalizationNo
Match Rate100% of first 6% of salary
% receiving full match>75%
Max Employer Contribution12%*
Financial education: 
Investing strategies 
College saving 
Credit/debt mgt 
Tax/estate planning 
Retiree health costs/savings options 
RecordkeeperFidelity Investments
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